7 Stages Of Shamanic Initiation

7 Stages Of Shamanic Initiation
7 Stages of Initiation
The Tree of Life road map offers 7 Steps or INITIATIONS to help you align with your Soul’s Mission & Purpose and master all aspects of your life – Body, Soul, and Spirit.
Each Initiation brings you closer to your true self and purpose so your inner Tree of Life can thrive with physical, emotional, and spiritual vitality.
In the Tree of Life Training™ you learn the 7 Steps to Live your Soul’s Mission & Purpose.
Here are brief descriptions of each Step and meditation to activate each initiation. Next to each description is an image of Megan’s Sacred Robe designated for each Initiation.
Step 1. Create Vibrant Health. Learn grounding practices & energetic clearing to reduce stress and increase your vital energy. Your Initiation Journey begins with grounding, being present in your body, setting your intentions, and committing yourself to your own path. When you’re grounded and not wasting energy, you’ll be so much more productive and you’ll have a huge reserve of vital energy to focus on your Mission & Purpose.
Step 2. Establish a Daily Self-Care Plan. Transform negative self-talk and old habits into positive thoughts, feelings, and actions. In this second step, you learn to internalize the Good Mother so you can nurture yourself in a way that fully supports your Soul’s Mission & Purpose. You will be more playful and instinctive, trusting your intuition in powerful ways
Step 3. Call in your Soul Tribe. Break free of negative family patterns and call in healthy relationships and communal support. You need support to live your dreams! Instead of doing it all yourself, connect with your community, your tribe of supporters who understand your passion. Your team will support you and vitalize your journey.
Step 4. Claim your Passion & Power. Feel self-confident, assertive, and able to say no, while using your energy wisely. When you follow your own path, you access your true self and unique gifts. To bring these forward you have to believe in yourself and claim your power. This is not power that dominates, but power centered in your heart so you can feel strong, confident, and self-assured.
Step 5. Create your Soul Mission Map. Know how to align your inner cast of characters to achieve your Soul’s Mission. In the fifth step you open your heart and manifest your inner wealth into outer wealth and abundance. When you authentically live your heart’s truth, your beacon of light will attract the right people and circumstances into your life.
Step 6.Free your Creative Spirit. Awaken your higher self & spirit guides to find life-giving spiritual practices. You carry a vision within your spirit that is vitally important and needs to be liberated. To free your creative spirit you must surrender all limiting beliefs so you can find your true purpose and live in the joy of Spirit.
Step 7. Share your Gifts. Experience unconditional love towards self and others and share your gifts with the world. Your beautiful gifts are needed in this time of transformational change. As you express your life purpose and share your talents with the world, miracles will happen all around you and you’ll feel a part of the great flow of life.
The 7 Initiations on the Tree of Life
On the Diagram below you can see how the 7 Initiations fit onto the Tree of Life. The curriculum for the course is based on my book The Sapphire Staff. It goes into the 7 Initiations in-depth and provides a step-by-step guide through each initiation.

7 Stages Of Shamanic Initiation